Defence Therapeutics Inc. announced its collaboration with Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid. This exciting partnership aims to explore breakthroughs in biotechnology and highlight the transformative potential of cutting-edge therapeutics. Defence Therapeutics Inc., with its commitment to advancing healthcare through research and development, has established itself as a frontrunner in the biotechnology industry.

By teaming up with Viewpoint with DennisQuaid, the Company aims to amplify its reach and educate a wider audience about the latest advancements in biotechnology and their impact on improving human health. Hosted by acclaimed actor, Dennis Quaid, Viewpoint has engaged its audience by providing its viewers with unique and innovative content on a variety of topics. The partnership between Defence Therapeutics Inc. and Viewpoint brings together the expertise of both entities to create a compelling series that will shed light on the breakthroughs, potential applications, and therapeutic innovations in the field of biotechnology.

Viewpoint will feature cutting-edge research, clinical trials, and the development of novel therapeutics conducted by Defence Therapeutics Inc. The series will feature interviews with scientific experts, behind-the-scenes looks at research facilities, and thought-provoking discussions on the future of biotechnology in improving human health. Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid collaboration will explore various aspects of biotechnology, including the development of novel therapies, personalized medicine, gene editing, and emerging technologies. Viewpoint will highlight how Defence Therapeutics Inc.and other companies in the industry are pushing the boundaries of scientific innovation to address unmet medical needs and improve patient outcomes.