Compugen Ltd. disclosed new animal model results demonstrating restoration of immune tolerance by CGEN-15001, the Company's lead candidate for treatment of autoimmune diseases. Importantly, the immune tolerance established by CGEN-15001 was shown to be antigen-specific, indicating that treatment with CGEN-15001 has the potential to not only generate a durable response, but also to avoid the global immune suppression generated by other therapeutic agents for autoimmune diseases. CGEN-15001 is an Fc fusion protein based on a Compugen-discovered novel immune checkpoint protein. Restoring long-lived immune tolerance and homeostasis, with the desired result of a durable therapeutic response in patients. The new findings being disclosed, along with supporting data from earlier research by the Company, demonstrate that CGEN-15001, a first-in-class therapeutic candidate, has the potential to restore immune tolerance and re-establish immune homeostasis, thus potentially offering patients a durable therapeutic response and a safer treatment profile. In contrast, and under the same conditions, the transfer of T cells from diseased mice treated with a mouse version of CTLA4-Ig (a marketed immune checkpoint-based drug for autoimmunity) to recipient naïve mice did not protect the recipient mice from developing the disease, indicating no induction of immune tolerance with this drug. This lack of protection was observed despite the fact that both CGEN-15001 and CTLA4-Ig were similarly efficacious in decreasing the clinical symptoms in the diseased donor mice.