Navinder Sarao bought the seat in May 2008 for $435,000, only a few months before the financial crisis hit, exchange records show; it's now valued at just $69,500, an 84 percent decline. He still owns it, an exchange spokeswoman confirmed.

    A seat is not required to trade on the exchanges run by the CME, the world's largest futures-market operator, but it does confer a steep discount on trading fees. The electronic fee for the stock futures that Sarao traded, for instance, is set at 26 cents a contract for a member, versus 76 cents for a non-member.

That would have made a big difference to a trader like Sarao who was making frequent large bets. CME also gives additional fee discounts to high-volume traders.

    The e-mini S&P futures that Sarao specialized in are the CME's most popular stock-market future, with more than a million contracts changing hands on an average day. A drop in trading volume - last month average trading volume in e-mini futures was 1.8 million against 3.9 million in March 2008 - has been one factor behind the drop in membership prices.


Decades ago, a membership in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's exclusive club was a prerequisite for trading its contracts in the face-to-face style known as open outcry. Entry was only granted through sponsorship from an existing member, and required a thorough financial and reputational vetting, according to Joe Ocrant, a livestock trader who got his membership in 1970 and is now president of Chicago-based Oak Investment Group.

These days, the application process is more relaxed, according to Jeff Carter, a director at the CME in the 1990s.

After the exchange had its 2002 initial public offering, it did away with the requirement that existing members approve each new applicant. Today, would-be members must provide a statement of educational, work and residential history, any history of trading infractions, an accounting of assets and liabilities, a birth certificate and a colour photo of themselves.

    Exchange staff also "shall inquire into and be satisfied with respect to the reputation and financial responsibility of the applicant," the market's rule book says.

    Once the applicant's photo has been posted on the exchange floor and the applicant's name circulated to other members via a weekly newsletter, the would-be member has 30 days to buy a seat through the exchange from another member.

    In all, said John Roe, whose firm BTR Trading recently bought a CME seat, the process was "pretty involved."

    CME offers four different types of membership, all of which have lost value since the exchange’s pre-crisis heyday. Sarao owns a so-called IOM seat, a limited membership that allows cut-price trading in  stock-index futures and options but not in the CME’s even more popular interest-rate futures or in its traditional livestock contracts.

Access to all of CME’s contracts requires a so-called gold badge, which today costs $585,000 and went for $1.35 million back when Sarao bought his IOM seat.

A CME membership can be used to build credibility. In late 2014, according to an email included in the CFTC's court filings released on Thursday, Sarao sought a 4.2 million-pound ($6.3 million) loan in an email addressed to several recipients, citing his many years of membership at the CME as one reason he should be granted the loan. The documents do not show whether his request was successful.

A CME spokeswoman declined to comment about Sarao or the membership application process. CME does not make public a roster of its members or provide their nationalities.

Bob Greifeld, chief executive of exchange operator Nasdaq OMX Group, told Reuters that it is fair to say the bar is generally higher for someone to become a member of an equities exchange than a futures exchange. Unlike futures markets, stock exchanges typically grant memberships to firms, not individuals.

(Reporting by Ann Saphir in San Francisco, John McCrank in New York, and Tom Polansek in Chicago; Editing by Martin Howell)

By Ann Saphir and Tom Polansek