Cloudflare announced Accelerated Mobile Links, a solution to make the experience of browsing the mobile web as fast as using a native application. Accelerated Mobile Links automatically identifies links to content supporting the open-source Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) format and renders it within milliseconds of the link being clicked. AMP is a way to build static mobile web pages that render fast. The AMP Project, founded by Google, is an open-source initiative aimed at optimizing mobile content and making it available anywhere, instantly. When customers turn on Accelerated Mobile Links for their web properties, Cloudflare identifies all links that have AMP content and makes them available, natively, via a viewer inside the original page. This gives content aggregators and news publishers a way for their users to consume third party AMP content on their web properties just like they can on, without losing visitor traffic. Cloudflare worked in conjunction with the Google team to build the first non-Google AMP cache, which will deliver AMP links instantly for a better user experience. The benefits of Accelerated Mobile Links include: App-Quick Browsing Experience: Accessing mobile content through Accelerated Mobile Links is at least three times faster than on traditional mobile web properties, offering publishers an ideal platform to deliver mobile content. Increased User Engagement: Users can quickly view AMP-enabled external mobile content without ever having to leave the web page. This provides a more native app feel for mobile web properties and keeps traffic on publishers' pages. Secure Global Caching: AMP-enabled pages linked to web properties are cached across 102 data centers, in 50 different countries. They meet strict AMP HTML validation rules, and are checked for potential security issues like XSS attacks.