Ciena Corporation is introducing new capabilities that allow submarine cable operators to better address surging bandwidth demand driven by video-centric streaming, virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and future applications such as 5G. Ciena’s GeoMesh Extreme submarine solution now supports L-Band capabilities and can operate on TE SubCom’s L-Band wet plant system, nearly doubling the information-carrying capacity of a submarine cable. Submarine optical fiber has a wider range of available spectrum than is presently used. Traditional submarine cables exploit the C-Band (1530nm to 1565nm). TE SubCom’s C+L technology effectively doubles the available bandwidth and capacity per fiber pair over a traditional C-Band-only designed system. This capacity results in an extremely low cost per transported bit and represents an exceptional value to cable operators. Furthermore, C+L’s efficient use of fiber bandwidth and the subsequent limited number of fiber pairs required for transmission capacity, enable the cable itself to remain a compact and cost-effective design. Ciena’s GeoMesh Extreme solution now opens up the L-Band (1656nm to 1625nm) in the same optical fiber, doubling the amount of information operators can support on a single submarine cable. This means that submarine cable operators can potentially secure twice the amount of potential revenue over a single cable, versus deploying two traditional cables, and yield better economies of scale for an improved return on submerged network assets.