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The announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Inside Information Provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571, Laws of Hong Kong).

The board of directors (the "board") of China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited* (the "Company") announces that, according to the Company's preliminary statistics, the power generation of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for December 2014 on consolidated basis amounted to 3,771,428MWh, representing an increase of 22.09% compared with the corresponding period of 2013. In particular, the wind power generation registered an increase of 38.99%, the coal power generation registered a decrease of 3.62% and other renewable energy power generation registered a decrease of 28.32%. As at 31 December 2014, the total power generation of the Group for 2014 amounted to 33,387,584MWh, representing a decrease of 0.83% compared with the corresponding period of 2013. In particular, the wind power generation registered an increase of 5.28%, the coal power generation registered a decrease of 12.87%, and other renewable energy power generation registered a decrease of 2.10%.

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Details of the power generation of the Group for December 2014 are set out as follows

(unit: MWh):

business segments and regional distribution Power generation for December 2014 Power generation for December 2013 Year-on-year percentage change for December Total power generation for 2014 Total power generation for the corresponding period of 2013 Year-on-year percentage change for total annual power generation

(MWh) (MWh) (%) (MWh) (MWh) (%)

Wind power business 2,640,041 1,899,503 38.99 23,088,043 21,929,334 5.28

Among others: Heilongjiang 216,977 179,413 20.94 2,193,322 2,324,552 -5.65
Jilin 43,083 28,426 51.56 465,020 556,905 -16.50
Liaoning 131,067 116,035 12.95 1,665,503 1,670,500 -0.30
Inner Mongolia 541,592 370,710 46.10 4,610,009 4,659,194 -1.06
Jiangsu 229,441 140,230 63.62 2,446,430 2,132,124 14.74
Zhejiang 33,953 21,173 60.36 229,793 258,130 -10.98
Fujian 179,185 192,555 -6.94 1,337,837 1,331,867 0.45
Hainan 27,559 17,577 56.79 133,262 164,233 -18.86
Gansu 131,707 141,109 -6.66 1,670,752 1,866,346 -10.48
Xinjiang 217,855 159,970 36.18 2,012,483 1,794,251 12.16
Hebei 324,019 262,880 23.26 2,023,166 2,205,561 -8.27
Yunnan 133,622 55,340 141.46 1,152,890 736,786 56.48
Anhui 91,086 49,100 85.51 802,235 670,139 19.71
Shandong 28,564 9,320 206.48 215,754 111,862 92.88
Tianjin 30,563 17,325 76.41 250,159 224,735 11.31
Shanxi 121,021 76,767 57.65 661,067 603,991 9.45
Ningxia 66,868 25,027 167.18 394,509 258,179 52.80
Guizhou 31,484 12,752 146.89 453,513 336,186 34.90
Shaanxi 37,908 22,807 66.21 233,747 22,807 924.89
Tibet 1,231 986 24.85 13,749 986 1294.42
Chongqing# - - - 90,085 - - Canada 21,254 - - 32,757 - -

Coal power business 1,087,385 1,128,223 -3.62 9,640,681 11,064,695 -12.87 Other renewable power business 44,001 61,388 -28.32 658,861 672,980 -2.10 Total 3,771,428 3,089,114 22.09 33,387,584 33,667,010 -0.83

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# Total power generation in Chongqing for 2014 included power generation of the acquired

Shiziping Project for 2014. Shiziping Project is a project operated by Guodian Chongqing Wind
Power Development Co., Ltd(.
��11-Jl�r;fff�0RJ)("Chongqing Wind Power"), which
is a company acquired by the Company on 29 December 2014. For details, please refer to the announcement of the Company dated 29 December.

Note: Certain figures included in this announcement have been subject to rounding adjustments, or have been rounded to two decimal places. Any discrepancies between the total shown and the sum of the amounts listed are due to rounding.

By order of the Board

China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited* Li Enyi

Executive Director and President

Beijing, the PRC, 8 January 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Qiao Baoping, Mr. Wang Baole, Mr. Shao Guoyong and Mr. Chen Jingdong; the executive directors are Mr. Li Enyi and Mr. Huang Qun; and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. Zhang Songyi, Mr. Meng Yan and Mr. Han Dechang.

* For identification purpose only

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