China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited at its third regular meeting of the Board was held on 29 April 2024, agreed Li Yangmin to be the vice chairman of the tenth session of the Board of the Company, with the same term as the current session of the Board. The members of the special committees of the tenth session of the Board were agreed as follows: Nomination and Remuneration Committee: Wang Zhiqing (chairman), Lu Xiongwen (performing the duties of chairman when considering remuneration matters), Luo Qun; Aviation Safety and Environment Committee: Li Yangmin (chairman), Sun Zheng, Jiang Jiang; Planning, Development and Digitalization Committee: Tang Bing (chairman), Fung Wing Yee Sabrina, Zheng Hongfeng; Audit and Risk Management Committee: Sun Zheng (chairman), Lu Xiongwen, Luo Qun. The terms of office of the chairman and members of the special committees of the Board are the same as that of the current session of the Board.