The board of directors of China Aluminum International Engineering Corporation Limited announced that due to personal reasons, Mr. SUN Chuanyao has tendered to resign from his positions as an independent non-executive director of the company, the chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee of the third session of the Board of the company, and a member of the Strategic Committee. Upon his resignation, Mr. SUN Chuanyao will cease to hold any position in the Company. Mr. SUN Chuanyao has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and is not aware of any other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company or The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in connection with his resignation. The Board is announced its proposed appointment of Mr. GUI Weihua to take the place of Mr. SUN Chuanyao as an independent non-executive director of the company. The term of office shall start from the date of approval by the EGM and end upon the election of the next session of the Board. In addition, he shall exercise his power according to law and the articles of association of the Company. He currently serves as the head of the ‘Nonferrous Metallurgical Automation’, the Ministry of Education's Engineering Research Center of Central South University. Mr. GUI Weihua was elected to be an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2013.