The board of directors (the Director(s)) of Cheuk Nang (Holdings) Limited (the Company and together with its subsidiaries, the Group) announced that Mr. Lee, Tsung Hei David Chris (Mr. Lee) has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director and a member of the nomination committee (the Nomination Committee) with effect from 17 June 2024. The biographical information of Mr. Lee are as follows: Mr. Lee, aged 73, is currently the Chairman and CEO of DH International Group Holdings Ltd, DH Capital (HK) Ltd. and Guangzhou DHC Investment Advisory Ltd. He is also a Director of Lufei Aviation Holdings Limited. He qualified as a Chartered Valuation Surveyor in 1973 and was registered as an Authorized Person in 1977.

He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, a Registered Professional Surveyor, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, an associate of the Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers, and an associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Mr. Lee is a former member of the Central Policy Unit, which is known as the Government Think Tank, a past Chairman of the Hong Kong Housing Society, a former member of the Supervisory Board of the Hong Kong Housing Society, a former director of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, a former Council member of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a former member of the Land and Building Advisory Committee, and the Steering Committee on review of the Urban Renewal Strategy, a Visiting Professor of the Guangzhou Urban Mass Transit Training Institute. He is currently a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board and Chairman of the Property Advisory Committee of the Salvation Army.

Mr. Lee informed the Company that he was a director of David C Lee Property Consultants (Asia Pacific) Limited (DCLP). He was also a director of David C Lee Surveyors Limited (DCLS) prior to his resignation in May 2006. DCLS and DCLP were dissolved in 2009.