Chart Industries, Inc. and BNG Clean Fuel Corporation announced their executed Memorandum of Understanding for Chart to supply the hydrogen liquefaction process technology, associated equipment as well as a series of hydrogen fuelling stations. Additionally, the companies will collaborate to develop further industry relationships with customers in the end-use industries described above to utilize BNG's "hub, spoke and wheel model" facilities for hydrogen production, virtual pipeline networks, bulk cargo shipping, and fuel dispensing stations. BNG is focused first on their DenverH2 pilot hub with dual-22 ton per day capacity hydrogen liquefaction facilities, a centrally located storage terminal, 10 liquid hydrogen stations, tankers and mobile fuelling equipment which will be provided by Chart.

While no orders have been booked at Chart related to this MOU or project, they are anticipated to be booked in 2023 and 2024 for both the equipment and process technology scope.