CHAR Technologies Ltd. announced that it has completed Phase 1 of the Thorold Renewable Natural Gas & Biocoal project with the initial production of biocoal in Thorold. CHAR's biocoal was developed in collaboration with Canadian industry and is a carbon neutral drop-in replacement for metallurgical steel making coal that provides significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction. Renewable natural gas (RNG) is a sustainable pipeline-quality gas, generated from wood residuals and organic wastes, that is fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas.

The Thorold project is on schedule, as CHAR now focuses on Phase 2 of the Project, which will increase CHAR's biocoal production capacity from 1,000 tonnes to 10,000 tonnes/yr. Phase 3 will complete the project with the commencement of production of 500,000 GJ/yr of RNG, enough to heat 5,500 homes.