Carbiotix (publ) announced that the company has completed phase one of the CarbiAXOS production upgrade at the Company's production site in Bjuv, Sweden. The upgrade involved the commissioning of a production tank and filtration system to produce Carbiotix' second generation CarbiAXOS prebiotic ingredient. The Company anticipates that phase two of the production upgrade will be completed in early first quarter of 2024, allowing the Company to have full control of its production process and accelerate development activities.

The company announced the successful completion of phase one of the production upgrade at the Company's production site in Bjuv, Sweden. The recent upgrade marks a significant advancement in the CarbiAXOS production capabilities and is a key component in Carbiotix's strategic plan to accelerate the creation of high-end CarbiAXOS products. The second phase of the production upgrade is on track for completion in First Quarter 2024.

This phase is critical as it includes the commissioning of a new spray dryer, which will enable Carbiotix to independently produce CarbiAXOS at its Bjuv site. This self-sufficiency in production will allow the Company to provide samples for formulation testing, as well as produce CarbiAXOS for studies and cosmetic applications.