Captivision Inc. announced a partnership with Framework and a prominent entertainment and streaming service partner to bring an immersive experience to the Framework in the Desert afterparty in Coachella Valley during the upcoming festival weekend. Captivision will deliver a unique media glass installation over three nights from April 12 through Sunday, April 14. The strategic partners are creating a revolutionary experience through Captivision's innovative media glass installed on modified freight containers.

This collaboration marks the inception of a new area of strategic focus for Captivision dedicated to pushing boundaries and redefining the live entertainment experience. The Captivision installation will play digital content from the entertainment partners and Framework including art, trailers, and advertisements throughout the Framework in the Desert event at the Atlantic Aviation airport hangar in Thermal, California. Framework in the Desert, a renowned festival afterparty featuring top electronic music artists, is expected to generate over 80,000 physical impressions and over 1,000,000 social impressions through the weekend.

Captivision expects that Framework in the Desert will catalyze Captivision?s event and festival activity in the United States. Drawing upon management?s years of collaborations with events and festivals in multiple geographies, the company plans a substantial and growing presence in entertainment media.