Calix, Inc. announced AXOS Sandbox, a virtual environment that dramatically improves the economics of new services introduction by eliminating the need for physical systems in service provider labs. With AXOS Sandbox, service providers can speed up service delivery by reducing the time needed for lab testing, BSS and OSS integration work, and software certification by deploying virtual instances of Calix AXOS systems. AXOS Sandbox runs the actual production software release of each Calix AXOS system making it the world's first true SDA. This brings the promise of SDN to the access network by enabling service providers to overcome traditional logistical and operational challenges. By using open standard interfaces NETCONF/YANG and OpenFlow, AXOS Sandbox quickly and easily slides into existing service provider networks. Service providers face a multitude of operational challenges and additional expenses when introducing new technologies into their networks today. These challenges are magnified when service providers have multiple labs spread across various geographies, forcing them to manage hundreds of technicians installing, testing, and managing thousands of systems. In addition, due to the substantial amount of hardware required, testing and validating the scalability of management, orchestration, and control functions within a lab environment would be prohibitive. Data centers and central offices also bring additional costs for rack space, powering, and cooling of the equipment. These challenges and costs are eliminated with AXOS Sandbox, which decouples IT/OSS integration from hardware availability and gives technicians access to countless virtual instances of AXOS systems allowing them to test scalability faster without the need for travel, scheduling, or physical maintenance.