LAS VEGAS (dpa-AFX) - Here, the mapping service owned by German carmakers, wants to adapt its digital road maps to reality more quickly. The new technology is designed to automatically make changes visible on maps within 24 hours, Here announced Wednesday at the CES technology trade show in Las Vegas.

The system, called UniMap, will combine data from various sources: For example, images from vehicle cameras, radar sensors and also aerial photographs. It will be able to process 500 million kilometers of GPS data points and sensor data per hour. For example, the position of road signs and speed limits can be detected.

High-precision maps are used for automated driving with advanced assistance systems and are also considered the basis for operating self-driving cars. Here provides the maps for Mercedes and BMW automated driving assistants, among others. German manufacturers Audi, BMW and Mercedes secured Here in 2015 when they bought the service from Nokia./so/DP/zb