Recently, American magazine Global Finance announced the evaluation results of global trade financial institutions, with BOC awarded the prize of "Best Trade Finance Bank in China".

Trade finance is a traditionally advantageous business of BOC. In recent years, BOC has been insisting on the customer-centred, market-oriented and technology-guided policy, strengthening product innovation, enhancing service quality, and further improving market competitiveness and influence in trade finance field. By the end of November of 2012, the international settlement amount of BOC has exceeded USD2.5 trillion, and cross-border RMB settlement amount has exceeded RMB2.2 trillion, both taking a lead worldwide. The market share of foreign currency guarantee balance of BOC's domestic institutions keeps an absolutely leading position. The volume of two-factor export factoring businesses has been ranking the first worldwide for years.

Global Finance, a world-renowned financial media, is targeted at senior executives from main financial institutions and enterprises in 160 countries. Every year the magazine invites third-party independent experts and senior insiders to conduct a series of prize evaluation activities, which are authoritative in international financial field.

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