Miquel Molins Nubiola has been appointed as Chairman of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, a position that was, for the previous thirteen years, held by Juan Corominas Vila.

Miquel Molins has a doctorate in Art History and Theory and lectures on the History and Theory of Contemporary Art at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has also worked as a teacher at the Eina and Massana Schools and as Master's Thesis Supervisor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. In academic year 1994-1995 he served as visiting professor in Art History, for the Theory and Criticism Department of the School of The Art Institute of Chicago. During the period 1995-1998 he directed the MACBA (Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art during the period.

He has recently been working as a Theory and Contemporary Art lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and as a Trustee of the Banco Herrero Foundation. Since October 2000 he has also served as a Trustee of the Banco Sabadell Foundation.

Juan Corominas Vila first took on the Chairmanship of the Foundation in February 1998, following the death of Joan Oliu Pich, who had been Chairman since the Foundation was created in 1994. Mr. Corominas, who has spent the last 44 years working for Banco Sabadell, has now been appointed to the position of Honorary Chairman.

The mission of the Banco Sabadell Foundation is to promote social actions and innovation, and to train and publicise information in educational, scientific and cultural spheres by means of actions addressed to society as a whole. The Foundation collaborates with both public and private institutions, as well as non-governmental organisations and, in particular, promotes the recognition of talent and excellence through the Banco Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research, the UPF (Pompeu Fabra University) Entrepreneurs Prize, scholarships to ESADE and the Liceu Conservatory, the Banco Sabadell Prize for Innovation in Architecture and the Art<30 Competition.

The Board of Trustees of the Banco Sabadell Foundation will now be made up as follows:

Chairman                     Miquel Molins Nubiola

Deputy Chairman     Joan Manuel Desvalls Maristany

Treasurer                    Esteve M. Faus Mompart

Member                        Bonaventura Garriga Brutau

Member                        Josep Permanyer Cunillera

Secretary                     Carme Casas Martínez