Azul S.A. announced traffic results for the month and year to date ended December 2017. For the month, the company announced passenger traffic (RPKs) increased 15.4% compared to December 2016 on a capacity increase (ASKs) of 13.1%. As a result, load factor was 83.1%, 1.7 percentage points higher than in the same period last year. Total ASK was 2.467 million compared to 2.181 million a year ago. Total RPK was 2.049 million compared to 1.776 million a year ago. Year-to-date load factor increased 2.4% points over last year, reaching 82.1%. Domestic load factor was 80.3% and international was 89.5%. Total ASK was 25.300 million compared to 22.869 million a year ago. Total RPK was 20.760 million compared to 18.236 million a year ago.