Asia Green Biotechnology Corp. announced that it has entered a new agreement with Pathway Rx Inc. ("Pathway Rx") and Swysh Inc. ("Swysh") pursuant to which AGB will expand its participation in the development and ultimate commercialization the Cannabis sativa varieties to which Pathway and Swysh own the rights for prevention and treatment of certain infectious diseases. Both Pathway and Swysh have previously entered agreements with the company to participate in and to fund initial scientific trials activities on a general basis and in particular with respect to treatments for migraine and related health issues previously being developed by Pathway/Swysh. Under this new agreement, the Company will provide key elements of the financing required to undertake first and second stage human clinical trials of the specific migraine treatments being developed by Pathway/Swysh, and this participation will be rewarded with full licensing rights to such products in the Company's Asian territory as well as the grant of certain royalty provisions for sales of the products in North America. This development is a significant part of a wider program to have these varieties, and possibly other versions of the strains, studied for their efficacy in humans and eventually approved and applied as new drugs and as over-the-counter health products. The particular focus of this study and further studies which may be derived from it is on the ability of an element of a proprietary strain to treat and minimize symptoms in those suffering from migraine headaches.