Amprius Technologies, Inc. announced it will supply its state-of-the-art SiMaxx? safe cells to complete the development and qualification for the U.S. Army's next-generation Wearable Battery pack. One of the recent U.S. Army demands has been for wearable battery technology ?

powerful solutions in relatively lightweight and compact packages that soldiers can safely carry and wear. The U.S. Army has been working to revolutionize power solutions for dismounted soldiers by introducing a next-generation battery pack with significantly higher energy density than current solutions. When integrated into a battery pack, the SiMaxx?

safe cells will approximately double the energy density of existing solutions, significantly extending mission time for soldiers on the battlefield. This development in battery technology for the U.S. Army represents a substantial progression in wearable battery technology and underscores the importance of innovation in supporting the modernization efforts for soldiers in the field. The SiMaxx?

safe cells were developed as part of the U.S. Army-funded Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) program, an industrial preparedness effort focused on scaling critical Army-wide manufacturing requirements. In July 2023, Amprius SiMaxx? safe cells successfully passed the rigorous safety and performance requirements of MIL-PRE-32383 (Military Performance Specification).

In January 2024, Amprius successfully completed its scale-up manufacturing initiative under ManTech, which included the delivery of SiMaxx? safe cells.