Capstone is working with Amazon Alexa to offer its popular, bestselling You Choose Books on Alexa-enabled devices. The project launches with a library of 50 You Choose Adventures titles for ages 8-12, grouped into 12 story bundles, from Global Discovery and Space Exploration, to Extreme Sports and Epic History. With an increasing demand for safe children's content on Alexa, families will enjoy interactive audio storytelling with reader-favorite stories such as The Oregon Trailor The Race to the Moon. In keeping with the spirit of the reader-driven You Choose format, which features suspenseful action with multiple story paths to keep children reading, Alexa users will decide outcomes from among several different paths inside each story. The 12 story categories represent the best in immersive, educational storytelling with an interactive, audio-only experience. In 2019 and beyond, You Choose story bundles offer families educationally-minded content to get started playing with their new Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition, or other Alexa enabled device, through Amazon FreeTime Unlimited. For instructions to enable You Choose stories or operate Amazon Alexa and Echo Dot Kids Edition. As part of the initiative, Capstone collaborated with Earplay, the leading interactive audio platform and a partner with Alexa since 2016.