Altair Corp. announced its PBS Professional, currently supports the Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor. The company will also provide a toolkit for simplifying the configuration of PBS Professional for an Intel Xeon Phi environment, available at the production launch.

The Intel Xeon Phi product family, based on Intel(R) Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture, is a major advancement in performance and compatibility. Designed for highly-parallel workloads, the Intel Xeon Phi will scale to more than 50 Intel Architecture cores. The PBS Scheduler is configured to consider the Intel Xeon Phi resource(s) during scheduling and assign jobs to them as it makes sense to do so.

PBS Professional records the usage of the Intel Xeon Phi devices within its accounting logs In addition, Altair has developed a configuration toolkit that simplifies the process of configuring PBS Professional for Intel Xeon Phi. The toolkit automates steps required to configure PBS Professional in an Intel Xeon Phi environment, from interrogating Intel Xeon Phi for attributes to updating the PBS Professional configuration files accordingly.