LEIPZIG (dpa-AFX) - High energy and raw material costs as well as lower sales prices weighed heavily on biofuel producer Verbio in the past fiscal year. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda) fell by just over half to around 240 million euros in the twelve months to the end of June compared with the same period last year, the SDax-listed company announced in Leipzig on Tuesday. This means that the operating result was just as high as the group had last forecast with the lowered forecast in April. However, analysts had on average expected a slightly better result. The outlook for the current fiscal year is also disappointing. In 2023/24, Verbio is targeting an operating profit of 200 to 250 million euros. The five experts surveyed by Bloomberg have so far averaged an Ebitda of just over 280 million euros. The shares fell prematurely by almost nine percent./zb/men