FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - After three days of losses, the Dax initially attempted to stabilize on Thursday. On the day of the interest rate decision by the European Central Bank (ECB), however, investors did not lean out of the window much. In the first few minutes of trading, the leading index rose by 0.12% to 18,460 points.

The MDax rose by 0.24 percent to 25,594 points and the eurozone barometer EuroStoxx was 0.3 percent higher.

On the global stock markets, a shift in favorites can still be observed, towards the US stock market and out of the technology sector and into blue chips. As a result, trading in New York was mixed - with a correction on the Nasdaq but a record-breaking run by the Dow Jones Industrial. The leading US index rose above the 41,000 point mark for the first time on Wednesday.

The ECB is unlikely to make any changes to its key interest rate on Thursday. Last month, the monetary authorities heralded a turnaround in interest rates with the first cut since fall 2019. "A new key interest rate cut has been announced, but we will have to be patient until September," wrote the experts at LBBW in the morning. "A change to the general outlook is also not to be expected," Commerzbank said./tih/mis