"Inflation is running far too high, and I am acutely concerned about this," Mr. Harker said in a speech in New York. "The bottom line is that generous fiscal policies, supply-chain disruptions and accommodative monetary policy have pushed inflation far higher than I-and my colleagues on the FOMC-are comfortable with," he said.

Hackers Steal $540 Million in Crypto From 'Axie Infinity' Game

A cryptocurrency startup that operates a popular online game called "Axie Infinity" said Tuesday that hackers stole more than $500 million worth of cryptocurrency.

"Axie Infinity" publisher Sky Mavis Ltd. said on March 23, hackers infiltrated a part of its Ronin Network, which the game runs on. The infiltrators got access to accounts holding cryptocurrencies and drained 173,600 ether and 25.5 million of the stablecoin USDC.

Credit Suisse Ignored Signs Banker Was Bilking Billionaire Client, Judge Says

A Bermuda court said Credit Suisse Group AG must pay billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili about $555 million for allowing a private banker to steal from the former Georgia prime minister and mismanage his money.

European Countries Expel Dozens of Russian Officials

Four European countries said Tuesday they were kicking out more than 40 Russian officials over national-security threats, citing spying and influence operations as reasons.

The expulsions come as already turbulent relations between Moscow and most European capitals have deteriorated since last month's Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia also said Tuesday it was expelling a number of diplomats from the Baltic countries.

Write to paul.larkins@dowjones.com

Expected Major Events for Wednesday

04:30/NED: Feb PPI

04:30/NED: Mar Producer confidence survey

06:00/SWE: Feb Retail sales

06:00/DEN: Mar Business tendency survey

07:00/SWE: Mar Consumer Tendency Survey

07:00/SWE: Mar Monthly Business Tendency Survey

07:00/SPN: Mar Flash Estimate CPI

07:00/SVK: Mar Economic sentiment indicator

07:00/SVK: Mar Business tendency survey

07:00/SWI: Mar KOF economic barometer

08:00/ITA: Jan Industrial turnover & orders

08:00/GER: Mar Bavaria CPI

08:00/GER: Mar Brandenburg CPI

08:00/GER: Mar Hesse CPI

08:00/GER: Mar Baden-Wuerttemberg CPI

08:00/BUL: Feb PPI

08:30/GER: Mar North Rhine Westphalia CPI

09:00/EU: Mar Business & Consumer Surveys - Business Climate Indicator & Economic Sentiment Indicator

09:00/GER: Mar Saxony CPI

09:00/GRE: Feb PPI

09:00/CRO: Feb Retail trade

09:00/ITA: Feb PPI

09:00/CYP: Jan Industrial Production Index

09:30/BEL: Mar CPI

12:00/GER: Mar Provisional CPI

15:59/UKR: Feb Industrial Production

All times in GMT. Powered by Kantar Media and Dow Jones.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

03-30-22 0024ET