Reimu Sugita

Reimu Sugita

Net worth: 19 M $ as of 30/03/2024

43 year
Technology Services
Consumer Services


Reimu Sugita is the founder of Clintal Co., Ltd.
which was founded in 2015.
He held the title of President, CEO & Representative Director.
Dr. Sugita's former job was as the Chief Operating Officer & Executive Officer at JMDC, Inc. Dr. Sugita's education includes an MBA from The Fuqua School of Business and a doctorate from the Graduate School of Medicine University of Tokyo.

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
30/03/2023 787,000 ( 1.20% ) 19 M $ 30/03/2024

Former positions of Reimu Sugita

JMDC INC. Chief Operating Officer -
Founder -
See the detail of Reimu Sugita's experience

Training of Reimu Sugita

The Fuqua School of Business Masters Business Admin
Graduate School of Medicine University of Tokyo Doctorate Degree

Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

See the detail of Reimu Sugita's experience

Linked companies

Listed companies1

Technology Services

Private companies1

Technology Services