Zylox-Tonbridge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. announced that the ZENFLOW®?T18 Peripheral Balloon Catheter, self-developed by the Group, has been recently granted official marketing approval. As of the date of this announcement, the Company has obtained approvals from the National Medical Products Administration for a total of 32 products in the People's Republic of China. ZENFLOW®?

T18 is a tapered percutaneous transluminal angioplasty ("PTA") balloon catheter, which is suitable for the peripheral vascular system (including the iliac artery, femoral artery, iliofemoral artery, popliteal artery and infrapopliteal artery). The balloon catheter is designed with a thin head end and a slightly thicker tail end, forming a tapered structure. The tapered structure can better adapt to changes in vascular taper, reduce excessive expansion of and damage to the vessel wall, minimize the incidence of entrapment, and improve the therapeutic effect in the lower extremity arteries, while providing the basis for vascular preparation for drug coated PTA balloon catheter (DCB) treatment.

The maximum balloon length is 300mm, which can meet the needs of the lower extremity arteries. At the same time, ZENFLOW®?PTA balloon catheter platform technology. The non-invasive tapered head end fits guidewire to protect the vessels, with clear platinoiridium visualization and ultra-smooth hydrophilic coating for good pass-through and delivery.