(Microsoft Word - 2015 01 19 IA_Pr351mio Inova347343o NOS_ok plb translate)


19 / 01 / 2015


On Wednesday the 21st of January at 9h30 in the Hotel Yeatman in Vila Nova de Gaia, NOS will be presenting the "NOS Innovation Prize". With the slogan "Big ideas deserve more", the goal of this initiative, undertaken in partnership with "Dinheiro Vivo" and TSF, is to reward new business areas and innovation projects among Portuguese companies, recognising their value to the growth of the Portuguese economy. For this, 30 companies will be awarded prizes in three major categories: "Big Companies", "Medium Sized Companies" and "Small Companies and Start Ups".
The presentation of the prize concept will take place at the "Innovate" Conference, which will be attended, among others, by Miguel Poiares Maduro, Minister of State for Regional Development, João Ricardo Moreira, Company Product and Marketing Manager at NOS and Victor Ribeiro, CEO of the Global Media Group.
To see the programme and obtain more information, go to www.premionosinovacao.pt.

"Innovate" Conference and presentation of the "NOS Innovation Prize"

• 9h30
• Hotel Yeatman
• Rua do Choupelo (Santa Marinha), 4400-088 Vila Nova de Gaia

About NOS

NOS is the biggest communications and entertainment group in Portugal. It offers latest generation fixed and mobile phone, television, Internet, voice and data solutions for all market segments. It is leader in Pay TV, new generation broad band services and in cinema exhibition and distribution in Portugal.

In the business segment, it has positioned itself as a sustainable alternative in the Corporate and Mass Business segments, offering a broad portfolio of products and services with tailor made solutions for every sector and businesses of different sizes, complementing its offer with ICT and Cloud services.

Direção de Comunicação Corporativa & Sustentabilidade

Edifício Campo Grande,

Rua Ator António Silva, 9, Piso 6, Lisboa

T 217 824 700 | comunicação.corporativa@nos.pt | www.nos.pt

LPM Comunicação Sandra Silva sandrasilva@lpmcom.pt T 967 088 124

Ana Maria Silva anamariasilva@lpmcom.pt T 963 794 304

NOS is part of the main Portuguese stock exchange index (PSI-20), with a capitalisation in excess of 2.5 ' thousand million Euros, and has more than 3.5 million mobile phone, 1.5 million television, 1.5 million fixedtelephone and 960 thousand fixed broad band Internet customers.

Direçao de Comunicaçao Corporativa & Sustentabilidade

Edifci io Campo Grande,

Rua Ator Ant6nio Silva, 9, Pisa 6, Lisboa

T 217 824 700 l comunicaçao.corporativa@nos.pt l www.nos.pt

LPM Comunicaçao Sandra Silva sandrasilva@lpmcom.pt T 967 088 124

Ana Maria Silva anamariasilva@lpmcom.pt T 963 794 304

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