FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - After a poor stock market year so far, the prices of German Internet stocks Zalando, Delivery Hero and Hellofresh are currently stabilizing. Price gains of between 2.1 and 4.1 percent suggest a positive weekly result for these papersb on Friday. In particular, the Dax share Zalando is still clearly on the road to recovery and has gained almost ten percent so far this week.

According to market observer Andreas Lipkow, some investors sense catch-up potential in German companies related to online retail. So far this year, the three companies have suffered share price losses of between just under 10 and just under 20 percent, putting them far down the Dax and MDax indices. Following the end of the pandemic-driven boom in online retailing, the companies have also been affected by the deterioration in consumer sentiment in recent months.

At Zalando, however, an analyst study recently gave investors hope for improvement. According to Stifel analyst Benjamin Kohnke, investors in the online retailer should overlook the current market headwind. Although the second quarter will probably be another subdued one, e-commerce volumes should pick up again towards the new year, Kohnke is optimistic. In this respect, he saw an entry opportunity on Tuesday in view of the previous share price losses./tih/ck/mis