Fujian Dongfei Environment Group Co., Ltd announced that it has entered into an investment agreement with new investor Yunnan Water Investment Co., Limited (SEHK:6839) to receive CNY 200,000,000 in an equity round of funding on January 25, 2019. The investor will acquire 20% stake in the company. Out of the total amount, approximately CNY 33,333,333 will go towards the registered capital and approximately CNY 166,666,667 towards capital reserve of the company. The investor will deposit the amount in a bank account designated by the investor within ten business days from the date of fulfilment or waiver of the conditions precedent. Post the transaction, the company will own 40% stake in the company and will be entitled to appoint 4 out of 7 directors in the board of directors of the company. If the company fails to complete the corresponding registration with respect to the investment on or before 31 March 2019 due to the reasons attributable to the company, the company is entitled to terminate the agreement by giving a notice of fifteen (15) business days in advance to the company. If the investor fails to complete the payment, the company is entitled to terminate the agreement.