ApaVital S.A. will apply intelligent data integration software to optimize its network, detect and prevent leaks, and ensure a more sustainable water supply for its communities. In Romania, about 41% of water is lost before it reaches consumers due to leaks. To address the issue ahead of new leakage thresholds mandated by the revised European Drinking Water Directive, ApaVital is implementing Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua, a cutting-edge software and analytics platform from global water technology leader Xylem Inc. The platform will combine data from across ApaVital?s existing infrastructure network of more than 4,000 kilometers of water pipes, 193 pumping stations, and 50,000 water meters.

Operators will be able to monitor performance in real time and proactively identify and fix leaks. The utility aims to reduce water loss to below 20%, making households and businesses in the region more water-secure.