Xiaomi Corporation and together with its subsidiaries announced that Mr. Liu De has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from March 24, 2021. Mr. Liu will continue to hold the positions of Partner, Senior Vice President and Head of Organization Department of the company. Mr. Liu company's Co-Founder, Partner, Senior Vice President and Head of Organization Department, is currently responsible for the recruitment, promotion, training and evaluation of the middle and senior management of the Group, as well as the organizational structure design and approval procedures of each department. Mr. Liu is a director of various members of the Group. The board also announced that Mr. Chew Shou Zi has, for family reasons, resigned as an executive director of the company, with effect from March 24, 2021. Mr. Chew has also tendered his resignation from his position as the President of the International Department of the company and his resignation has been accepted. Mr. Lu Weibing, company's Partner and Senior Vice President, will replace Mr. Chew Shou Zi as President of International Department of the company. Mr. Lu will continue to serve as the President of China Department of the company and the General Manager of Redmi.