Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG (XTRA:WUM) announces a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 358,000 registered shares, representing 0.38% of its issued share capital for a total of €6.8 million. The repurchases shall take place in accordance with § 71 para.

1 no. 2 of the Companies Act, for the purpose of being able to offer own shares to persons in an employment relationship with the company or one of its affiliated companies. The repurchase shall take place on behalf and account of the company by a bank commissioned by the company.

The right of the company to end the contractual relationship with the bank prematurely and to commission another bank remains unaffected. The program will end on March 30, 2016. As of November 18, 2015, the company has 93,749,720 shares outstanding.