Wrap Technologies, Inc. commended law enforcement agencies for adopting its BolaWrap solution with the support of opioid settlement funds. Demonstrating a steadfast commitment to its no-harm approach to public safety, Wrap Technologies has garnered significant endorsement from officers particularly in handling persons in crisis situations related to opioid or substance abuse. The pressing need for improved responses to the opioid crisis in the United States cannot be overstated.

According to data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the United States witnessed an alarming average of 128 opioid-related deaths per day in 2018. The impact of the ongoing opioid crisis was further compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, the CDC reported that nearly 75% of the approximately 92,000 drug overdose deaths in 2020 involved opioids.

Emergency first responders regularly encounter the harrowing consequences of this crisis within the communities they serve, often arriving at scenes of ongoing overdose incidents and critical situations. Guided by their no-harm approach to public safety solutions, Wrap Technologies created BolaWrap, a remote restraint device that deploys a 7.5-foot Kevlar® tether from a safe distance of 10-25 feet. Once deployed, the device emits a startling sound that distracts the individual as the launched Kevlar cord wraps around their legs or arms, giving officers an opportunity to quickly move in and restrain the subject.

Notably, Brownwood Police Department became the first agency to utilize opioid settlement funds to procure BolaWrap devices for its officers. Funding was made available through a global opioid settlement with major distributors, including McKesson, Cardinal Health, Amerisource Bergen, and Johnson and Johnson. Brownwood City Council unanimously approved the allocation of these funds for the purchase of BolaWrap devices.