World Poker Fund Holdings, Inc. announced that it has secured a coveted online gaming license in Spain. To maximize this new online gaming license, WPFH has partnered with VXL Payment Solutions, a global merchant services company, who is a leader in merchant services and payment processing for online casinos. WPFH continues to expand its gaming offerings by securing a license to run an online gaming casino in Castilblanco, Spain as a sub-licensee. These talks continue as WPFH seeks to secure an additional sub-license for a land based casino license in Castilblanco, Spain.

As it expands its online gaming, WPFH enters into a mutually beneficial partnership with VXL Payment Solutions, in which WPFH will provide to VXL Payment Solutions a global license to the WPFH Cryptocurrency platform while VXL Payment Solutions will provide its innovative and industry leading merchant services solutions to all of WPFH's payment processing needs, with a special eye to its expanding online gaming presence. VXL Payment Solutions is a global payment processing and merchant services company with headquarters in Spain and Sweden, where it is one of Sweden's payment processors.