WTC's delegates take part in the 2014 Eurasian Event Forum


Moscow, January 22. The 2014 Eurasian Event Forum (EFEA) opened in St. Petersburg today, and it will work through January 24. Moscow's World Trade Center is represented by General Director Vladimir Salamatov, Director of the Congress Center Vera Ionova and Director of the special project "Russia in the WTO" Roman Gubenko.

On the first day of the forum, a series of events took place in which Moscow's WTC took an active part. At the session "Prospects of WTCs in Russia, and impact of their activities on enhancing attractiveness of Russian regions for foreign members of the business community," the attendees discussed issues related to development of the WTC network in Russia, importance of WTCs for economic development of regions, and for enhancement of their investment attractiveness, challenges faced by WTCs after Russia's accession to the WTO. In that regard, special emphasis was made on the part designated for Moscow WTC's special project, "Russia in the WTO." The center raises awareness, provides advice and organizes training for officials of municipal authorities and members of business communities what regards rules and tools of the World Trade Organization. Furthermore, the participants in the discussion stressed the importance of having educational aids covering the topic. The session was moderated by Mr. Salamatov. Mr. Gubenko presented to the attendees a summary of activities within the framework of the special project, and shared his plans for this year. The session was attended by Vladimir Katenev, President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and by directors of WTCs of Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg.

At the conference "Russia-Asia: trade and economic cooperation, and the role of the trade show and congress industry in their development," Mr. Salamatov made a speech and a presentation covering the trade and economic relations with the APEC countries, gave data on the trade structure and volume with Asian-Pacific nations, spoke about the importance of technical regulation, development and significance of "green" technologies in development of trade with the region's countries. The conference was attended by Mr. Katenev, officers of Deloitte & Touche, and heads of WTCs of St. Petersburg, Seoul and Taiwan.

The World Trade Center Moscow is a permanent fixture at the Eurasian Event Forum. For a few years in a row, the event has been a site of exchange of relevant information on the condition and prospects of the congress and trade show industry, enlargement of contacts with Russian and foreign market players and experts.



OJSC World Trade Center (MICEX: WTCM, ÖÌÒ) was registered on 16 September 1992 (OJSC SOVINCENTER prior to 2000). The Company is the legal successor of the Center for International Trade and Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries opened in 1980.

The complex of 265.3 thousand sq.m is located within the 7ha site within the 3-rd Transport Ring boundary and consists of three office blocks of 20 - 29 floors; a Congress Center; Crowne Plaza Hotel, including an exclusive Club Building; "Mezhdunarodnaya-2" apart-hotel; an automated multi-level car park and top-class restaurants.

In 2012, WTCM sales revenue increased by 13.5% to RUR 5.76 bln., net profit increased by 8.7% to RUR 1.347 bln. Charter capital of the Company is distributed among 1.083 bln. ordinary and 162 mln. preferred shares of RUR 1 each.

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