WhiteHawk Limited the first global online cyber security exchange enabling small-to-medium businesses to take smart action against cybercrime, fraud and disruption continues to fully support all current clients, potential customers and all sales opportunities seamlessly and effectively throughout the current global pandemic, via an online platform, SaaS product lines and virtual consults. In response to and in agreement with the recently increased requirements of the CFR comprising the Treasury, the Reserve Bank, APRA and ASIC overseeing banks, insurers and super funds, WhiteHawk has advanced its industry leading Cyber Risk Program, allowing Australian financial institutions to rapidly respond and ensure the safety of their own internal systems and the systems of the countless Australian businesses that they service. WhiteHawk Cyber Risk Program addresses by design all key CFR criteria: Provide data and information to inform relevant Australian Regulators of systemic weaknesses that may present a risk to the integrity of the Australian financial markets and financial system; Assess Financial Institution's (FI) resilience to known adversaries targeting the FI; Provide the relevant Regulator and FI with a plan of remediation to address any identified weaknesses. By design, WhiteHawk is an online, globally accessible Cyber Risk identification, prioritization and mitigation platform, with a strong portfolio of innovative primarily SaaS product lines and virtual consults that deliver a Hacker View of a business. Accordingly, advancements to the website, Cyber Risk Program and Scorecard Product Lines and customer online experience are foundational to the effective scaling of their services: Now clients can easily review, understand and connect to WhiteHawk key Hacker View SaaS product lines to include: Cyber Risk Program, Cyber Risk Radar and Sontiq/WH Business Risk Suite. Their Customer Journey to identify their key Digital Age risks to their revenue and reputation is now completely interactive and shareable between the business client and their cyber consultant, resulting in a seamless ability to tailor their online account, establish a cyber resilience maturity model, get mapped to best practices and standards, to include the new US Federal Government mandated Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), which portends to become a US national and potentially global new achievable standard. In addition to the online account, clients receive a tailored and now 100% automated comprehensive report, the Cyber Risk Scorecard, noting key risks and areas of focus, mapped to solution options. A report that is both shareable and establishes their Cyber Risk Baseline, being updated on a quarterly, annual or as needed basis. Navigating the online cyber security marketplace is more intuitive and comprehensive, now including splash pages for Enterprise Solutions, Training and Education, Vendor of the Month, advancing the marketing and sales of WhiteHawk's 180+ Innovative Partners.