Westrock Coffee Company announced the Company will be unveiling new innovative beverage solutions in this year's National Restaurant Association Show, the premier restaurant and foodservice industry trade show held in Chicago's McCormick Center on May 20-23. Westrock Coffee, the "brand behind the brands" to many of the country's leading restaurants, will showcase the company's expansive suite of pioneering beverage offerings, including cold coffee solutions and the launch of its new Energy Refresher platform with unsweetened and sweetened varieties. Designed to serve explosive demand for the full spectrum of energy beverages, Energy Refreshers will offer green-tea based solutions that include taurine, ginseng, B-vit vitamins, and 100 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounce serving.

Available in unsweetened and sweetened formats, the Energy Refresher platform will cover a range of uses, such as a buildable base ingredient for creative beverage innovations.