Paris, October 30, 2023 - WALLIX (Euronext ALLIX), a European cybersecurity software developer and expert in privileged access management (PAM), declares that it has bought back its own shares in accordance with Article 5 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR):

Name of issuerIssuer identifier codeDay of transactionFinancial instrument identifier codeTotal daily volume (number of shares)Weighted average daily share acquisition priceMarket
Wallix Group 969500Y014KR9K8QM551 27/10/2023 FR0010131409 4 326 7,125 XPAR
Wallix Group 969500Y014KR9K8QM551 27/10/2023 FR0010131409 8 174 7,542482 XPOS

Next publication: Q3 2023 turnover, November 16, 2023


WALLIX is the European specialist in access and digital identity security and the world leader in PAM (Privileged Access Management). Its technologies enable organizations to meet today's challenges in IT network protection and data security. They also provide detection and resilience to cyberattacks and protect organizations' digital assets in addition to maintaining business continuity of IT systems, in the cloud, and in industrial networks. These technologies simplify compliance with regulatory requirements for access to critical IT infrastructure and data. With its PAM4ALL, PAM4OT, and Trustelem solutions, WALLIX helps its customers modernize their information systems and put cybersecurity at the service of their digital transformation. The company relies on a network of certified distributors, resellers, and integrators to support more than 2,000 organizations worldwide in all sectors of the economy. The company is listed on Euronext (ALLIX). The founders and managers, as well as the investment structure Thierry Dassault Holding are the historical reference shareholders. by WALLIX is a brand dedicated to the security of digital access and identities in industrial environments. 

WALLIX affirms its digital responsibility and is committed to contributing to the construction of a trusted European digital space, guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of data for organizations as well as for individuals concerned about the protection of their digital identity and privacy. Digital technology, whether for professional or personal use, must be ethical and responsible in order to pursue a secure societal digital transformation that respects individual freedoms. |


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