W. R. Berkley Corporation announced the combination of two of its Chicago-based professional liability underwriting units, Berkley Select and Monitor Liability Managers (Monitor), into a single operating unit that will trade under the Berkley Select name. Berkley Select has operated as an underwriting manager specializing in professional liability products, including lawyers, accountants, and miscellaneous E&O exclusively on a surplus lines basis. Its products are offered nationwide through a very narrow group of distribution partners who are preeminent experts in their individual niches. Monitor has delivered professional liability insurance solutions, including accountants professional liability, private directors and officers liability, employment practices liability, lawyers professional liability and fiduciary liability to individuals, businesses, professional services firms and organizations nationwide on an admitted and surplus lines basis. The newly constituted Berkley Select will provide a single market for agents and brokers to address the diverse professional liability needs of their clients with unparalleled expertise.

Joseph G. Shores, who joined Berkley Select as president upon its launch in 2007 and has served as president of Monitor since 2013, will continue as president of the newly consolidated unit. Mr. Shores has more than 30 years of experience in the property and casualty insurance industry with significant specialty, professional liability and excess lines experience.