Vuzix® Corporation announced that the company has completed, passed, and filed with the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) all of the (FCC) emission's requirements for its next generation M300 Smart Glasses. Vuzix expects to commence shipping of the M300 Smart Glasses to customers in the USA and Canada within days of this filing. With FCC filings now in place and the recent certification for shipments to Europe completed last month, the Company is now positioned for the full commercial launch to its large initial markets. Other major regions of the world should follow with submissions of their required regulatory filings through the first quarter of 2017, enabling Vuzix to expand its M300 offerings near worldwide. The new Vuzix M300 represents the next generation of smart glasses, designed to address customer feedback from more than three years of productive use of the earlier M100. This field experience has led to the addition of many empowering, barrier-reducing features such as improved ergonomics, modern security capabilities, enhanced Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, and video streaming. These improvements are just some of the many that allow the M300 to be a central communications platform to and from a client's remote workforce, connecting their corporate data and IOT field devices in real time to the people in the field who need them. The work over the last six months to establish the Vuzix VIP application software partner program has resulted in a significant pipeline of customer budgeted and approved projects awaiting the arrival of the M300. Vuzixwill begin with production M300 shipments to these EU and US VIP partners who have been pre-allocated units for immediate deployment to their existing client base. In addition, the company has many orders from customers that have taken advantage of the M100/M300 migration program and/or placed pre-orders for the M300. These order pipelines are significantly greater than when the M100 launched and the Company expects that it will continue to enjoyro bust growth in smart glasses revenues, as clients accelerate volume deployments.