Vuzix Corporation announced that the Company continues to see growing smart glasses demand within the telecom service provider vertical as more devices take advantage of 4G and 5G networks to provide low latency remote support. Over the last 60 days, Vuzix has received a collective mid-six figure orders placed by several customers for such use. Remote support over provider 4G and 5G networks using Vuzix smart glasses can enhance collaborations, increase productivity, streamline workflows, and improve customer satisfaction.

They can connect workers on their plant floor or in the field with moment-of-need support from experts across the cellular network, including relevant work instructions and diagnostic assistance. Live video streaming means remote experts can see exactly what the smart glasses wearer is seeing in real time, record it and allow others to augment the wearer's view with overlays and assistive tools. For telecom service providers, significant opportunities exist for both internal and external customer use.