Financial press release

Annual turnover of Vranken-Pommery Monopole for 2013: ? 315.1 million
Very good progress in commercial business on an uncertain market

Reims, 23 January 2014


Thanks to the relevance of its commercial strategy focusing exclusively on the sale of leading Champagne brands and wines from the estates and châteaux of Provence, Camargue and Douro, Group sales of wines from these winegrowing regions developed significantly despite a European market that remains uncertain.

Although the consolidated turnover stood at ? 315.1 million for the financial year ending on 31st December 2013, compared with ? 326.1 million as at 31st December 2012, this variation results from the sharp decline in sales of generic wines, which are to be discontinued as announced as early as 2012, and the significant increase in sales of leading brand wines.

The growth in brand sales therefore amounts to 5.7 % for the year 2013, (2.6 % for the final quarter alone), i.e. ? 303.7 million as at 31st December 2013, compared with ? 287.4 million at the end of the previous financial year.


On a market that declined by 1.5 % in 2013 compared with 2012 (CIVC estimate), the Group developed its market shares by consolidating its strong positions, notably in France. While maintaining its pricing policy, Vranken-Pommery Monopole supported the development of its leading brands through targeted and relevant commercial investments.

Côtes de Provence and Sable de Camargue

The year 2013 confirmed the dynamism of sales of rosé and gris wines from Provence and Camargue which increased by 8.4 % during the financial year.

Meanwhile, the strategic agreement reached with the Castel group holds out the future prospect of strong growth in rosé wines on the international market.

Other business

As was the case for champagnes and rosé and gris wines, commercial business in port and Douro wines also progressed well, including on their home market, Portugal.

Inter-profession sales (semi-finished products) and generic wines

In accordance with the announcements made in 2012 and 2013, during the course of the year the Group limited the sale of inter-profession wines (semi-finished products) and generic wines, which generate low margins. This policy is to be continued in 2014 and beyond.



The Group is to continue its efforts to adapt its international network as a whole to the requirements of its strategy aimed at adopting a top-of-the-range position.
Moreover, the debt reduction plan initiated in 2013 will continue to be implemented in 2014.

Q4 (1 October / 31 December)
In millions of euros 2013 2012 Variation Variation
 in %
Champagnes (*) 120,0 118,8 1,2 1,0%
Côtes de Provence and Sable de Camargue (*) 8,6 7,3 1,3 17,8%
Other 6,3 5,4 0,9 16,7%
Sub-total brand sales 134,9 131,5 3,4 2,6%
Inter-profession sales (semi-finished products) and generic wines 2,3 6,6 -4,3 NS
Sub-total 2,3 6,6 -4,3 NS
Total turnover Q4 137,2 138,1 -0,9 NS
(*) excluding inter-profession sales
Financial years closed on 31 December
In million of euros 2013 2012 Variation Variation
 in %
Champagnes (*) 237,5 226,0 11,5 5,1%
Côtes de Provence and Sable de Camargue (*) 50,4 46,5 3,9 8,4%
Other 15,8 14,9 0,9 6,0%
Sub-total brand sales 303,7 287,4 16,3 5,7%
Inter-profession sales (semi-finished products) and generic wines 11,4 38,7 -27,3 NS
Sub-total 11,4 38,7 -27,3 NS
Total annual turnover 315,1 326,1 -11,0 NS
(*) excluding inter-profession sales

Forthcoming statement
Annual results for 2013: 27 March 2014

About Vranken-Pommery Monopole

Vranken-Pommery Monopole is the second largest champagne group. Its portfolio comprises the leading brands of VRANKEN with its Diamant and Demoiselle vintages, POMMERY with its Louise and Pop vintages, HEIDSIECK & CO MONOPOLE with its Impératrice vintage and CHARLES LAFITTE with its Orgueil de France vintage. Vranken-Pommery Monopole owns the premium ROZES port wine brand and TERRAS DO GRIFO Douro wines. The group is the leading distributor of rosé wines with Sables de Camargue - Gris de Gris wines - from DOMAINES LISTEL and Côtes de Provence - rosé wines - from the CHATEAU LA GORDONNE.

Vranken-Pommery Monopole owns the largest vineyard in Europe, spread among Champagne, Provence, the Camargue and Portugal.

Vranken-Pommery Monopole is listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris and Brussels.
(Code "VRAP" (Paris), code "VRAB" (Brussels); code ISIN: FR0000062796).


Vranken-Pommery Monopole :
Patrice Proth, Secrétaire Général
+ 33 3 26 61 62 34,
Claire Doligez, +33 1 53 70 74 25,
Caroline Simon, +33 1 53 70 74 65,

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Source: VRANKEN-POMMERY MONOPOLE via Globenewswire
