Vivos Therapeutics, Inc. announced positive results from a 7-month, multi-site marketing pilot testing the core assumptions behind Vivos' new affiliation and medical sleep specialist marketing and distribution model. On June 12, 2024, Vivos announced a new marketing and distribution model under which Vivos is seeking to drive revenue through collaborations with dentists and sleep treatment providers to offer OSA patients a full spectrum of evidence-based treatments for OSA, including Vivos' advanced, proprietary and FDA-cleared CARE oral medical devices, oral appliances and additional adjunctive therapies and methods. The pilot program results announced provide evidence of the significant potential of this new model for Vivos.

The pilot program was conducted over a 7-month period in seven dental offices and one ear, nose, and throat specialist office located across several states with highly diverse patient demographic profiles. A total of 99 patients were seen during the pilot, which was comprised of 76 adults and 23 children under the age of 12.