VitalHub Corp. announced the sale of its VH LTC solution to the Elliott Community. The VH LTC mobile app will allow Elliott Community front line care givers to become truly mobile, providing fingertip access to what used to be manual paper forms, schedules, task lists, etc., integrating Smartphone and tablet technology into clinical workflow and providing the ability to document and record critical resident information at the point of care. VH LTC was created in conjunction with the MaRS Solution Lab and the Ministry of Govt. and Consumer Services, as part of an experimental program launched in 2016 in Ontario called “Procurement by Co-Design.” The program enables the public sector to partner with innovative technology and service vendors to collaboratively create innovative, impactful solutions to pressing and complex healthcare challenges. VitalHub and Trinity Village were one of four procurement grant winners selected from among 17 competing teams in the 2017 cohort; and were selected to design a mobile app for Long-Term Care frontline staff. The result was the creation of the VH LTC solution, which has been running at Trinity Village, a not-for-profit organization with 150 Long-Term Care beds.