Kessler Foundation and Virtualware joined forces in a new $352,000 deal to continue further research and development aimed at advancing spatial neglect rehabilitation using virtual reality (VR) and tele-rehabilitation technology. This latest development stems from a strong, ongoing partnership initiated in 2018 between the VR innovator and the New Jersey-based disability-focused non-profit. The intervention, known as Kessler Foundation Spatial Retraining Therapy (KF-SRT®), continues to be developed under the direction of the Foundation?s senior research scientist Peii Chen, PhD, at the Center for Stroke Rehabilitation Research. KF-SRT aims to enhance control of spatial attention and body-environment awareness through an immersive training process, which is a safe, interactive, and game-like VR environment. The flexibility of the portable VR equipment allows KF-SRT to be implemented in various clinical and home settings. KF-SRT engages the user's visual system through stimuli presented in a head-mounted display while simultaneously engaging their motor system through head and positional tracking and a marker-less hand-tracking device.