Virios Therapeutics, Inc. announced commencement of enrollment in its exploratory Long-COVID trial. This study is supported via an unrestricted investigational grant to the Bateman Horne Center, a non-profit, interdisciplinary Center of Excellence advancing the diagnosis and treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome ('ME/CFS'), FM, post-viral syndromes, and related comorbidities. The trial will assess the safety and effectiveness of antiviral therapy with Virios' second development combination, IMC-2 (valacyclovir + celecoxib), to treat the symptoms associated with Long-COVID, including fatigue, pain, sleep disruption, anxiety, depression and cognitive function and overall health improvement.

IMC-2 is a novel, dual mechanism antiviral therapy combining valacyclovir and celecoxib designed to synergistically suppress herpes virus activation and replication, with the end goal of reducing viral mediated disease burden.