Vinci announced this morning that Nantes Métropole has awarded the design-build contract for the Anne-de-Bretagne river bridge to the consortium comprising GTM Ouest, leader, and notably Dodin Campenon Bernard, Freyssinet, Botte Fondations and the Eurovia agency in Nantes (all VINCI Construction subsidiaries), as well as Citeos (VINCI Energies).

The bridge will reconnect the city of Nantes to its river, offering a wide range of experiences thanks to its belvedere, various footbridges and duckboard opening.

It will be based on the existing structure, which will be extended to the west.

The combination of old and new structures will be achieved by lowering the deck of the existing bridge. Work is due to start in the second half of 2024, with delivery scheduled for 2027.

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