VibroSense Dynamics AB (VibroSense) has got a patent approval in China. The patent describes a principle for measuring skin temperature wirelessly before and during an examination, which ensures measurement quality. Obtaining the patent in China is part of a long-term strategy to protect VibroSense intellectual property rights.

The patent protection will be further strengthened by several patent applications currently pending in various countries around the world. The current patent for wireless measurement of skin temperature was approved in Sweden in 2019. VibroSense strategy to protect the product and software in VibroSense Meter ® II includes three parts, i) patent protection for various functions, ii) design protection for mechanical design and iii) internal encryption of the software with multiple measurement algorithms. In addition, the company has exclusive rights to extensive clinical data which is the basis for developed measurement algorithms. Altogether, the product VibroSense Meter ® II with software thus has comprehensive protection, which is judged to give a strong protection and a big lead in the field of "Reliable and Early Detection of Peripheral Neuropathy".