Technicolor SA announced the release of Qeo, a software framework that allows for seamless interoperability between devices and applications of all brands and ecosystems. Qeo software modules address this problem by making devices, applications and over-the-top cloud solutions speak to one another to deliver simpler and richer smart home, entertainment, communication and personal media services. Qeo allows more than just content sharing. Qeo benefits both end users and developers, while answering consumer electronics manufacturers and service providers needs: For end users: Want to remotely manage heterogeneous alarm, automation, and video surveillance systems via one comprehensive interface Need doorbell to send a notification to TV or mobile screen when someone is at the door.

Want to switch a video call a friend started on main TV to tablet. Qeo makes such use cases easy to develop and deploy, and enables the potential of many more of these innovative digital life scenarios. With Qeo, creating cross-devices and cross-OS applications has never been so easy and straightforward.

Developers can build distributed applications without having to care about the diversity of languages, OS, or environments. It's all about giving free rein to developers' imaginations. Qeo comes with tools to monitor and manage all Qeo-enabled devices, keeping operational costs under control.

It provides views, from global home networks down to individual customers, devices or applications, enabling all sorts of personalization. With Qeo, devices can exchange usage data, information, status in a simple way to provide better and seamless usage scenarios for their users. Devices are also immediately recognized within the home network and configured with easy set up.

Qeo capabilities will be demonstrated at the Consumer Electronics Show on Technicolor's booth (Central Hall, booth #8531).